side view cb350 hydraulic clutch
cb350 hydraulic clutch piston detail
cb350 hydraulic clutch
Exploded diagram cb350 hydralic clutch


Regular price $340.00
Tired of your worn out stock cable clutch on your otherwise spectacular build?  The Motoworks hydraulic clutch conversion gives super smooth actuation, extra leverage and no need for adjustment, EVER!  If you've ever adjusted the tension on your 350's clutch just a tad too far only to hear that dreaded clunk as the actuator slips past the ramps and leaves you stranded looking for a way to get your cover off to put it back in place, you'll see the value of this slick system.  Machined in the USA from billet 6061 aluminum, then anodized and powdercoated for the ultimate in weather and corrosion resistance, The Motoworks hydraulic clutch will breathe new life into your vintage ride!

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